Corporate Social Responsibility Photography Environmental Photography Sustainability Photographer CSR Teaching Remote Village School
Jeremy Sutton Hibbert Documentary, Portrait & Corporate Social Responsibility Photographer - On Assignment GREENPEACE, The village of Gibidai in Papua New Guinea

Corporate social responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Photography

We know that CSR has become a major focus for most large brands as they seek to find ways to evidence their ‘shared values’ in order to earn greater brand advocacy from an ever more socially aware customer base. If your organisation is one of these, then Global Assignments gives you access to a local, regional and global network of visual talent to use to showcase your position on a wide variety of CSR topics, no matter which media you wish to use to present these images.

CONTACT US TODAY To discuss your CSR photography and videography needs on 020 7118 1163 or email

Companies today recognise the importance of building a brand that their consumers can trust and respect. The goal is to give something back to the stakeholders and communities that your organisation depends on the most, through supporting economic progress, social justice or environmental preservation. We commonly see four types of CSR programs in today’s brand initiatives. They are rooted in 1) corporate philanthropy, 2) environmental conservation, 3) company diversity and 4) volunteering commitments.


Corporate Philanthropy - Most established global organisations have mature CSR initiatives. Examples you may know about are Ben & Jerry’s and the variety of community projects they’ve been supporting for the past 30 years. Then there is Microsoft’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a not-for-profit established to fight poverty, disease and inequality around the word. Even the smallest companies can have an impact on social change by making a simple donation to a local food bank or sponsoring a local sports team. Our team are there to help document the moments that count so the images can be shared with all those in your audience who care.

TOP TIP: By commissioning a local photographer through Global Assignments you are also supporting their local economy.

Environmental Conservation - The issue of global climate change is headline news and this is likely to be the case for years to come, given the public engagement in this subject. With pollution and greenhouse gasses high on the agenda, most countries have now committed to cutting their carbon emissions – the UK, for instance, has pledged to cut its carbon footprint by 78% within the next 14 years. Brands too can evidence their commitment to this goal. Coca-Cola has been leading the way, with a goal of reducing emissions from its massive fleet of delivery trucks by 25% through the investment in and use of alternative fuels.

TOP TIP: By commissioning a local photographer through Global Assignments you too can cut your company’s carbon footprint, therefore making a small contribution to improving the environment. To further boost your environmental credentials we have a policy of planting a tree for every assignment we complete for a client.

Company Diversity - Today companies recognise the importance of diversity and inclusion and many have built their commitment to this into the very fabric of their organisations. They know that their workforce expects it, their customers demand it and their success in an ever more ethically conscious marketplace requires it of them. Our roster of talented photographers come from all walks of life and have a true understanding of their local communities which provides them with the nuance often required when producing imagery for a global audience.

Volunteering Commitments - Successful volunteering schemes involve engagement with and buy-in from employees to determine where time and money may best be spent in local communities and with various charities. Volunteering can undeniably strengthen a community’s view of a local business, improve employee attraction and retention, and build stronger customer relationships. At Global Assignments we collect single-use crisp packets and upcycle these to make blankets and biffy bags for the less fortunate in our community who may find themselves homeless or experiencing heat poverty.

Commmissioning a local photographer you are also supporting their local economy.


UNICEF, GREENPEACE, British Red Cross, British Heart Foundation, Royal British Legion, Comic Relief,

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