Ilan Godfrey  People Portrait Documentary Reportage Corporate Environmental CSR Corporate Social Responsibility Social Enterprise Lifestyle Photographer Photography Local Regional Global South Africa Johannesburg Legacy of the Mine, Harmony Gold Mine, For more than a century, South Africa’s demand for gold, diamonds, coal and platinum cheap labour miner's illness lying on bed with medication on side table.
Ilan Godfrey Documentary, People, Corporate Social Responsibility Photographer - Personal Published Project, Legacy of the Mine

Documentary photography

Documentary photography can be a photo essay taken over a week or several years and is usually used to visually chronicle events or environments with the main objective of telling the subject’s story.

Our documentary photographers have been asked to work on projects to raise awareness of complex issues and this requires a lot of research. They have worked alongside NGOs, charities and leading publications, capturing social, conservation and environmental issues. Equally they may cross over to capture and chronicle large-scale industrial installations as well as changes in the landscape.

CONTACT US TODAY To discuss your documentary photography needs on 020 7118 1163 or email

While having a similar role to that of a photojournalist, a documentary photographer has more creative freedom to direct subjects, change the scene or modify the lighting. Our photographers have taken on documentary projects covering many areas of interest.

A good example is England Uncensored, by Peter Dench, a comprehensive portrait of the first decade of twenty-first- century England. It explores the many characteristics of this eclectic nation. It is not an idealised brochure of a green and pleasant land but a laugh-out-loud romp through an often badly behaved nation.

For the past decade another of our documentary photographers, Jeremy Sutton Hibbert, has been a principal photographer for Greenpeace International. His work has taken him to over 100 countries in places as far flung as Antarctica and Outer Mongolia.

Ilan Godfrey’s Legacy of the Mine is a visual photo essay of South Africa’s demand for gold, diamonds, coal and platinum. This long-term project sets out to build a visual narrative that provides agency to those whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed by the mining processes of successive governments in South Africa, driven by a greed to pursue wealth before health.

Our aim is to become your visual partner of choice and we welcome a discussion about long- and short-term projects as well as everything in between.

To view a bespoke portfolio of these acclaimed, published and exhibited projects don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Global Assignments team

our aim is to become your visual partner of choice.


The Sunday Times, Discovery Channel, CPL Productions, National Geographic, Conde Nast Traveller, Sky, The FA, GREENPEACE, The Economist, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Guardian Weekend Magazine, The Financial Times, GEO

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